
mTrip and Facilitatrip Join Forces to Empower Agencies and Tour Operators

We’re thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership between mTrip and Facilitatrip, two pioneers in the travel industry. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our mission to revolutionize travel experiences for agencies, tour operators, and their clients worldwide.

mTrip has long been at the forefront of mobile travel technology, offering custom-branded travel agency apps that cater to the needs of travel agencies and tour operators. Our innovative solutions, powered by cutting-edge technology, provide travelers with an interactive, personalized, and memorable journey, from planning to post-trip. With features designed to enhance the travel experience, including offline maps, itinerary management, and social sharing capabilities, mTrip has successfully positioned itself as a leader in delivering top-notch mobile solutions to the travel industry.

On the other hand, Facilitatrip has carved out a unique space for itself by providing a platform that simplifies travel design, quotation and booking process for agencies and tour operators. Its comprehensive tools and services are designed to streamline operations, from creating complex travel proposals in a few minutes, up to managing bookings for multiple services, in a single click. Facilitatrip’s commitment to improving efficiency and reducing the complexity of travel planning makes it an invaluable partner to travel professionals looking to elevate their service offerings.

The synergy between mTrip and Facilitatrip opens up new avenues for travel agencies and tour operators to deliver unparalleled value to their clients. By combining mTrip’s expertise in mobile travel technology with Facilitatrip’s robust booking and management solutions, we’re creating a powerful ecosystem that supports the entire travel journey. Agencies and tour operators can now leverage the strengths of both platforms to offer a more comprehensive, seamless, and engaging travel experience to their clients.

This partnership is more than just a collaboration between two companies; it’s a testament to our shared vision of making travel easier, more accessible, and enjoyable for everyone involved. Travel agencies and tour operators are invited to explore the myriad benefits this partnership offers, from enhanced operational efficiency to improved client satisfaction and engagement.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, we look forward to the innovative solutions and experiences that will emerge from this collaboration. The future of travel is bright, and with mTrip and Facilitatrip working together, it’s closer than ever.