Challenges of Traveler Tracking
in Business Travel

In travel risk management, companies are always finding new ways to monitor their travelers effectively due to constant changes. Traveler tracking is now more important for their safety, especially with current global uncertainties. However, keeping track of travelers poses various challenges. This article discusses the difficulties that travel managers encounter. One challenge is monitoring bookings. Another challenge is handling travelers who make changes to their plans without informing anyone.

PNR or GPS Tracking: Improving Mobile App Adoption to Increase Accurate Traveler Tracking

Mobile AppPassenger Name Record (PNR) and Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking are important for keeping track of travelers. PNR gives details about flights and hotel bookings, showing a traveler’s plans. GPS tracking on a mobile app shows where a traveler is in real-time, giving a better idea of their location.

The Challenge:

The success of PNR and GPS tracking depends on travelers using mobile apps. PNR and GPS tracking success relies on travelers using mobile apps. However, convincing travelers to use these apps regularly can be a challenge. Privacy concerns, app fatigue, and a reluctance to use tracking tools outside of work hours are some of the reasons. Consequently, this results in lower adoption rates. This leads to lower adoption rates.


  • Teaching travelers about the advantages of using apps, especially for safety and convenience, can ease worries about privacy.
  • Encouraging app use with rewards can help travelers to start using these technologies more often.
  • Making apps simpler by improving functionality and user interface can reduce app fatigue and boost usage.

Off-Program Bookings: How to Track Travelers Who Booked from a Consumer Site

otaBooking trips outside of the approved corporate travel program can be a challenge for travel managers. This happens when employees find better deals on other websites or prefer using popular booking platforms.

The Challenge:

Off-program bookings are difficult to track because they do not go through the organization’s travel systems. This results in missing information in the travel itinerary data.


  • Integrating Data Sources: Utilizing services to merge data from different sources, such as reservation platforms, into the organization’s travel management system.
  • Promoting Adherence to Policies: Enhancing travel regulations and enlightening travelers about the significance of making reservations within the program can reduce unapproved bookings. This can be accomplished by enforcing more rigid policies and offering comprehensive clarifications to travelers.. By emphasizing the benefits of following the rules, travelers are more likely to comply with the program guidelines. Ultimately, this can help reduce the number of unauthorized bookings.
  • Some travel management companies can track bookings made outside of their program. They do this by integrating with consumer sites or having travelers forward booking confirmations. This helps ensure all travel arrangements are accounted for and managed efficiently.

Travelers’ Change of Plan

Tracking travelers can be difficult when they don’t begin their trip, alter their plans, or neglect to cancel their reservations. This can occur due to various reasons such as emergencies, work schedule changes, or simply a change of heart. This can happen for many reasons, like emergencies, work changes, or just changing their mind.

The Challenge:

Changes can make travel managers unaware, impacting safety duties and causing financial losses from unused bookings.


  • Flexible travel policies encourage travelers to report changes promptly, possibly with incentives for timely updates.
  • Create simple ways for travelers to share their travel changes, so managers can make necessary adjustments to plans.
  • Use technology to send reminders to travelers before their trip. Make it easy for them to report any changes to their plans.
  • Analyzing travel patterns can help predict no-shows or changes, allowing for proactive measures to be taken.


Traveler tracking can be complicated, with challenges like mobile app use, bookings outside the program, and changes in plans. Organizations can improve tracking accuracy, duty of care, and reduce financial losses by using strategic solutions. Technology, policies, and communication with travelers are key to effectively managing and overcoming these challenges.