Riskline + mTrip

mTrip Integrating With Riskline Travel Risk Alerts

mTrip is currently collaborating with Riskline, a top travel risk organization that provides in-depth risk notifications for travelers globally.

With analysts on the ground in over 12 countries who research and report detailed updates in real time, Riskline provides important information when you need it. TMCs will have the option to provide their clients with alerts for international disasters, health issues, terrorism, crime as well as political and economic stability. Each of these issues is paired with a useful risk assessment level. With access to vital information and guidance, travelers can have what they need to be informed and secure while abroad.

The collaboration between mTrip and Riskline provides a comprehensive solution for risk management in travel. By offering real-time risk notifications and detailed updates on various issues such as international disasters, health concerns, terrorism, crime, and political stability, travelers can stay informed and secure while abroad. This integration not only enhances the travel experience but also helps meet duty of care requirements for corporate clients, making it an essential tool for risk management in the travel industry.“Our travel alerts enable TMCs to offer a high level of information that’s accessible, up to date and relevant. The Riskline Alerts – concise summaries of the security and travel safety situation for any destination around the world – not only protect and inform the traveller, but also fulfil a company’s duty of care requirements. Our work with mTrip paves the way for more TMCs to have essential risk information at their fingertips.” – Suzanne Sangiovese, Commercial & Communications Director at Riskline

This integration with the mTrip solution will provide business travelers with a cutting-edge tool that can help ensure safe travel, while meeting duty of care requirements. Corporate clients can rely on their mobile app to not only provide flight alerts, trip details, online booking tools and in-app messaging but also real-time risk alerts that create an even more well-rounded travel experience.